Osteochondrosis of the neck in this disease, changes occur in the spine in the vertebrae. Therefore, the bones begin to RUB against each other and problems with the arteries and nerve endings. Usually is indicated for patients not in any physical exercises. Even with twenty-five years of the first symptoms to manifest themselves. The disease develops quickly, and therefore, the need for timely treatment. If not you can visit in time a medical facility, then the negative complications appear, and in the end, the Patient receives a disability.

Which risk will be borne by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
The vertebrae of the neck are in close proximity to each other, if you are the slightest change in them starts, then you can feel strong complaints, the osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae occurs. There go the blood vessels, and give the possibility of a good blood supply to the brain. When the squeeze happens, it may hypoxia start. Therefore, this disease is very dangerous and carries many consequences. Upon the occurrence of such disorders in the blood stream, cervical osteochondrosis can lead to high blood pressure, migraine, and VSD. It is often so that the person begins to listen to the bad and to see. May be due to coordination problems with the lungs and the heart.
The patient often interferes with dizziness and fainting, it happens, what happens to stroke. The spine has nerve roots, you can bone use growths, and the neck can't move from this reason, at all, ever The worst forecasts can occur when there is bruising of the spinal cord, then death is likely. Osteochondrosis of the neck provoked a bad effect, so you need to at the first unpleasant sensations, soon, the help in medical institution.
The main reasons
The most common cervical osteochondrosis appears in people 25-50 years old. If a Person leads an inactive life-style, and he has a job where you sit all day. Even if it is not a sufficient amount of exercise, the reduced muscle tone.
This disease may be due to the following:
- Bruises and various injuries of the spine;
- hormonal disorder;
- frequent sub-cooling of the human body;
- transmit the disease can be genetically;
- emotional and physical exhaustion;
- Neoplasms of the spine;
- Obesity;
- Scoliosis;
- not a balanced diet.
Why occurs this disease, such as cervical osteochondrosis, of any such question, all of the patients. The reasons that provoke this disease, there are very different. Nevertheless, the pathology must be treated as soon as it was discovered. Usually can occur when a strong strain on the neck, and you get muscle cramps. Therefore, the disturbances in the Form of cycle start weakness. Causes of cervical degenerative disc diseases, such as: Progressive discos it relates to the vertebrae, which are in the vicinity. He can appear in the case when a strong physical exertion in the lower back or the neck.

Stage of osteochondrosis
When cervical osteochondrosis there are degrees, they are characterised by a variety of symptoms. In General, in the first stage, a slight pain may manifest itself, for example, if the Patient is prone or turns his head. Immediately, he begins to feel the tension in the back and loins, and the muscles begin to tire quickly. You can disorders such stage of the treatment of cervical degenerative disc without drugs. You need to eat to establish just and certain exercises.
Cervical osteochondrosis of the second Phase is shown by the fact that the vertebrae is unstable. In the case of a patient it comes to severe pain, and you can give in the hands, pain syndrome is even more intense when the Patient to a head or turn the head. It occurs because of what is happening a pinched nerve, such as the height of the intervertebral discs less. Man says that he has a diffuse, quickly tired, and he has severe discomfort in the brain.
When cervical osteochondrosis start pain of the third degree, are even stronger. The pain occurs in the neck and the hands. The muscles begin to wane and the deaf Institute in brush, as a hernia of the intervertebral disc. In this case, the investigation is a low mobility of the neck. When the first symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in men or in women, have to immediately address in medical institution. The Patient remembers very frequent dizziness and pain in the cranium. When cervical osteochondrosis in the fourth Phase, the intervertebral discs are destroyed. This disease in several areas of the vortex, and baffle it can be in the process of destruction. The Patient feels frequent pain in the cranium, unintelligible sound in the ears, and then hopped in the brain.
The symptoms of degenerative disc of the neck disorders of the spine can occur because the arteries and nerve endings the cramps start. The blood provider vessels are responsible for the most important areas of the brain, the fill oxygen.
The following symptoms appear:
- throbbing headaches of various kinds;
- nausea or vomiting;
- Dizziness;
- Loss of consciousness;
- a sharp jump of the pressure;
- Pain in the neck, arms or neck;
- Hearing and vision deteriorated.
The most common Symptom is dizziness and can also occur Tinnitus. Can loss of be felt in the room, and migraine to occur. Than to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine by the treating physician to decide is already. Only he needs to prescribe medication. Self-worth does not engage, it usually ends well. Signs of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine, frequent pain occurs in the brain, mostly it is in women. Seizures can also occur a few times a day, and accompanied by a sharp pain.

If the disease begins to develop, then poor blood circulation occurs. Patients feel constant fear, insomnia, irritability and difficult to concentrate. It happens that the Patient starts dramatically, the fear or anger. The vessels suffer from spasms because of this behavior, may occur, loss of consciousness, Tinnitus, and points before the eyes. Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in both men and women is almost the same.
To find the disease, you need to go through a consultation of the therapist, he experiences symptoms of various diseases. A surgeon, an orthopedist, studied CT, MRI, and various analyses which help to find the Problem. The neurologist detects cervical osteochondrosis, as the pain caused by compression of the nerve endings. At the doctor's Patient talks about all of your symptoms, the does not allow him to live. Where exactly is it pain interferes, and if the symptoms appeared the last time. The pain syndrome and when were the first signs of degenerative disc disease. The neurologist asks the patient to make the climbs and turns, to see how he feels. Such disease as osteochondrosis of the neck, the neurologist, the investigation leads with the help of special Tools.
Diagnosis, the help, the pathology to identify:
Radiography. With the help of certain waves completely the human skeleton manifested. In this study, the Patient lies in various poses, in which the ridge of the Hand can be rotated. The research gently, the patient can no contrast in the veins and spine. X-ray helps in determining of the displacement of the intervertebral discs and structural change in a mountain.
The Computer Tomography. In the implementation of the treatment of the patient examination in the tomograph, and doesn't take more than fifteen minutes. If only the follow-up, so you only after six months. When cervical osteochondrosis-in procedure using a contrast medium. But we must not forget that the contrast can trigger allergies.

CT helps in identification of the nerve pressing ends, the bony outgrowths. You can also determine the condition of the vascular system and of the cervical vertebrae. As with all studies computed tomography of the contraindications has. You can't is not the pregnant girl and still spend time, small children are also welcome.
MRI. When cervical osteochondrosis often, this diagnosis is, as it is considered to be safe and precise. A good advantage in this study, an efficacy in the detection of malignant tumors in the early development. With the help of electromagnetic waves through the entire human body results in the image on the Display. The image has clear boundaries and a specialist is easier to identify the disease. The method is, on average, about forty minutes.
The nuclear spin tomography has the opposite view. If the Patient has metal objects in the body, it is research forbidden. Do not do MRI, if the Patient has a pacemaker, and an electronic device.
The doctor also refers to the analyses it is necessary to have an accurate diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. You need to know that, if there were even small symptoms, then should the help in medical institution.
You should never self-medicate, can lead to bad complications.
To delay the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine may never happen, is that the collapse of the intervertebral discs. If the Patient feels pain in the neck, then you need to go on reception to the neurologist. Before your therapy, specialist a comprehensive investigation. As for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, only a specialist should know not to eliminate because it is not necessary the cause itself. Strong pain medications, pain relievers can relieve . There are cases that such tablets not take more with pain syndrome, and then you need to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

So it is that some people use pepper plaster, there is no therapeutic effect, but only the concerned, warm place. If the throat is inflamed, then the Patient contracts and get drunk herbal tinctures for three days. We can osteochondrosis of the cervical spine to heal in this way? These methods can help to begin to be treated, you need to visit your doctor. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is not only determined by the acceptance of the medication. Various exercises must. You must remember that only a specialist can prescribe drugs. Traditional methods, how to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, contact your doctor. A large part of doctors believe that it is more efficient, it can only do that. Because you quickly begin to act on the nerve cells, and rarely cause side effects. Here are the vitamins are better in pills so, how is the difference in this, injections and discomfort.
Also the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is in the Massage, and make it possible for yourself. You have to start with the places where worry and pain you a little, switching to the Zone, where. Massage-the method must be selected individually, it all depends on what stage of the disease. We heal cervical osteochondrosis, this is the question many patients will be able to. Experts say that, if compliance with all of the necessary guidelines, then the further development, only slow it down.
If massage appointment in the acute Phase of the disease, it is necessary that this act only a Person who understands. He makes it such way, click on the desired point, and this homeopathically on the muscles of the neck. In this method, the human body should be relaxed, also you can, such as sitting and lying down. If the first variant is used, then this must be on a massage chair. If the implementation of such a procedure often, it will help get rid of the pain in the neck. To refuse if cervical osteochondrosis the drinking of alcoholic drinks and tobacco.
To avoid such unpleasant diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis. To listen to the doctor and follow a few rules. First and foremost, you have to swim and lead an active life style and physical activity, good effect. Follow a balanced diet, to not have any exacerbation of symptoms, and cervical chondrosis. If a complete denial of Junk Food, then it is in a short time, the load on the ridge. You need to eat a meal with protein, rabbit meat, chicken. It's the attention necessary to in the body a sufficient amount of calcium and Magnesium was. Now you can know how to the cervical degenerative disc to get rid of diseases.
If at work the whole time must sit, then it would be best to at least once a day a small warm-up. The right pillow and mattress. If you follow all these rules, it will help to avoid cervical chondrosis. A disease, a full diagnostic must undergo. Also, experts advise to all the rules, you advise. Osteochondrosis the Shop has a certain Phase and so you should not ignore even mild pain in the neck area. Best is, seek medical advice immediately, and he appoints the correct and effective treatment.